A brief guide to
A brief guide to….Used to vs. Use to
Some of my students are confused with the use of the expression used to so hopefully this will simplify it. Used to can be used as an adjective to express being accustomed to something. “I am used to having a coffee when I wake up.” “When I lived abroad I wasn’t used to the hot…
A brief guide to….Most
Most…with a noun Most is used with nouns to mean the majority of Most orange juice comes in cartons Diane enjoys most soap operas NOTE: We don’t use the most in this way I go to the gym on most days I go to the gym on the most days If talking about the majority…
A brief guide to….past perfect continuous tense
Past perfect continuous (or progressive) is a tense commonly used in English to express something you started in the past, continued and ended at some time before now. The structure of this uses HAD BEEN and the verb ending -ing. When, since, for and before often appear alongside past perfect continuous in these sentences. I had…