phrasal verbs
Expressions using the word Head. Part one
Parts of the body are used in many idioms, expressions and phrasal verbs. Here are some related to the head. Head off – used to state you are starting a journey “I’m just heading off to the shops.” Head out – similar to head off but used specifically to express you are leaving a place.…
Expressions using the word Head. Part two
Parts of the body are used in many idioms, expressions and phrasal verbs. This is part two in a series of expressions related to the head. Over your head – used if you don’t understand something or don’t ‘get’ a joke. “The instructions were too complicated, they went straight over my head.” In over your…
New Ebook – 25 Phrasal Verbs for everyday English
Now available! My very first Ebook, 25 Phrasal Verbs for everyday English. I am currently offering a free copy to everyone that signs up to my newsletter, so either join via the Contact page on this site or fill the box below.