Pronunciation – Verbs in the past ending in -ed
Many of my students experience problems pronouncing verbs in the past ending in -ed and there is a simple rule to remember with these words. If the verb ends in a /t/ or /d/ we pronounce the -ed as /id/ I waited all day He repeated the words after his teacher For other words, we…
5 British English Slang Expressions for….Friend
As with most languages, English has many different words for things, some ‘proper English’, some slang. This series intends to teach you some of these expressions that you can use every day. This article deals with other words that can be used instead of friend. Now these are mostly not specific to gender but men…
Welcome! What’s happening?
So this is the first official post of this shiny new blog connected to my Knifesedge TEFL (Teaching English as a foreign language) website. I’ve got a few things planned for it and I hope you’ll follow, subscribe and most importantly comment with any questions and feedback. Blog Posts – I’ll be posting new content when…